Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Web based School Management System

Now a day, the old paperwork trend of managing the data and record in school is getting over. We have a web based solution known as School Management System which is a web based management system for school/college ERP. This solution saves lots of time and resources. The software takes care of all the data in the school. It connects student, teacher, employees everybody and get them the required data on a single click of mouse. Both School management system and college management system are been very effective nowadays as they help to simplify application process. School management system can make your school staff's life easier and manage your school system easily than ever. With this software you can get any type of information about students, teachers etc. within few seconds. So it saves your time and work and provides a better management system for your school.
The best thing about the software is that it is online running on your browser. You just need an internet connection if you are accessing the system from outside the school/college campus or if you are using it in campus; you just need local area network or a wi-fi network. Every department such as accounts, fees, library or students, teachers, parents all have their own access region and they can login and access their data. Most importantly every module either it may be payroll or accounts or examination or logistics is connected and linked with one other, and the administrators who have overall rights can see the activities and get the data of any specific department within a single click.
Scientech have two modules in ERP, one is Splash which is for School Management System or College Management System and the second one is Secura which is the ERP solution for industry. Splash College Management System is complete school management software designed to automate a school's diverse operations from classes, exams to school events calendar. This college software has a powerful online community to bring parents, teachers and students on a common interactive platform.
Some of the silent features of Splash are:
       Fully browser-based Software
        Software can be run on intranet and public internet.
        It runs on minimal hardware and easily fits in the budget of school or college.

The key stockholders in Splash are: Staff, Student, Teacher, Parent and Administrator.

Different modules of Scientech School/College Management System are: Accounts, Attendance, Examination, Fees, User Management, Staff/HR Module, Student Registration, Parents Module, Class Module, Activities, Front Office, Hostel, Recruitment, Library, Transport, Admission, Time-Table, Web Reporting, Schedulers and Reminders, Assignment Module, Pre-Application Management, SMS and Email Alert, Event Management, Inventory and Payroll.


A web based solution known as School Management System which is a web based management system for school/college ERP.

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