Splash ERP is good software you can turn and solve any school management problem into a pleasing task. Our aim is to provide the best Educational Institute Management software system to Schools, colleges or any other educational institution. This software is also called as school management, timetable, Student management software, school administrationsoftware, school attendance software, school inventory software, school erp software, school library software Etc. All of these are existing under one software. It is also called as School ERP. Once you establish our splash ERP software you do not need to look for any other software to computerize your record. This software has 24 distinct modules that cover each and every division of your school. Educational institute can undoubtedly advantage from the use of our excellence software. School software can build your work short and easy. It has been developed by specialist team of astrophysical which is fully trained and receives a logistic view to handle any client problem. Its aim is to provide you cutting edge software that can best fit your educational institute. It has also become one stop hub software for Schools.
With the use of Splash school management
software admission can be controlled and provided based on the different ladder
levels existing in administrative school erp utility in the school. A amazing
feature in our custom school management software data can be keep up
confidential with the better technical applications. School erp is simple in
applications and very swift to learn, understand and practice. Custom School
management software helps to understand the functions in the school erp
Our splash ERP software in India
now days very well-liked in required of lots of schools and students. School erp
software is a paperless office automation solution for today's modern schools.
The School Management Software provides the ability to take out all day to day activities
of the school, easy, efficient and exact. This software is a effortless yet
powerful one point built-in platform that connect all the departments of an
institution specifically office administration: School time table, examination
reports generation, result generation, fee counter, library management, canteen
management, pay roll manage, inventory and many more characteristic
in splash School ERP.
Splash School ERP provides All school data
like Student record, accounts, Library and scheduling information of
several past academic years is instantly available & every program is go
with with perfect security.